Email settings

Using email is a great way to ensure that your team and your clients are kept informed and all the tasks and completed reports are notified automatically using the system.

To be able to set up your team email options, click on team, click on emails, and now you can see all the options available either to be enabled or disabled for all your team members, depending on the type of report or tasks that you would like them to see or be informed about.

You can also do this on team level, so individual user. Click on their name, click on emails, and as you can see here, options for emails are highlighted. You can have them all off or on or selected items toggled to be able to showcase whether they receive an email when an inspection’s been completed, process has been declined, or inspection has been signed by the end user.

There’s also an option at the bottom of that list for mailing preferences, which gives you updates for emails from Inventory Base, Academy and Workstreams, and includes information on features, legislation, upcoming information points that might be applicable to the team member. And also this is going be available to the client.

So if we go up to the top, click on client, click on emails, and now we have the global settings for the client emails. Again, similar to the team member emails, so you can see all of them enabled or disabled for the clients. But you can also go down to client level, click on the client, click on the name, click on emails. And then again, you’ve got the exactly same kind of options regarding the email types that can go out to the clients, including the ability to access mailing preferences and control which main list you would like to be added so that they can be sent directly to the client as in when they are enabled.

There is another option if you go to a Pro package and that’s to be able to customise the emails, and as you can see there, when we click on the option, you can see all the different email types and you’ve got an edit function which allows you to either edit the email going out from a specific client and or a specific report type. That is available for Pro package, so if that’s something that you are interested in, then you should let the support team know and they can talk you through your options.

So that is emails and it’s a great way to ensure that at all times, your clients, your team are constantly kept informed and all the branding, all the information and the guidance and messaging is exactly how you would like to see it.

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